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Football is the most important of the unimportant things in life
27 April 2020
  These are certainly unprecedented times we live in and I hope everyone is keeping safe and well, adjusting to a new way of life at present Please God these short-term measures will pave the way to a healthy future for everyone I have been very fortunate at this time to remain in work unlike many  The impact that this current health crisis is having and the...
Celtic the Champions in Waiting
26 April 2020
'Here we go, 9 in a row, the tune reverberated around Paradise as the season unfolded, from a defiant anthem early doors, but as we approached the business end of the season well it had taken on a foregone conclusion feel to it, the challenge we welcomed from the 'Bears' lasted until New Year, but pole position in the SPL took on a familiar look before 'first footing' was out...
Following Celtic from afar – Southern Spain
25 April 2020
  This is an article I didn't think I'd ever have to write but here we are Supporting Celtic from afar is something I had to do for about 15 years as my previous job working abroad made that obligatory I moved back to Scotland in 2012 and subsequently purchased 4 season tickets straight away It was amazing to be back at Celtic Park again I missed everything that went...
Football Revolution the Glasgow Celtic Way
24 April 2020
  A footballing revolution began on April 24 1965, and it all began with Billy McNeill Up to that point, opinion had differed about Billy There were those who saw a world class centre half, invincible in the air albeit a little more vulnerable on the ground, in an ordinary Celtic team Others thought that he was, like everyone else in that team, affected by the...
Hail Hail Cesar Forever Our Leader
23 April 2020
Before I pay tribute to Billy McNeill on the anniversary of when he delivered the Scottish League in our Centenary Season 32 years ago and a day after the anniversary of his passing I would like to extend my condolences to the McNeill and McCombe family who are mourning the recent loss of Billy’s grandson Matthew Issue 107 Print Copy  This morning and all day...
Rangers’ Europa League tie could be what ends talk of “tainted title”
22 April 2020
  It’s funny how things work out, isn’t it Last week we had accusations that the SPFL and Celtic are trying to end the league now so they can be handed the title immediately Deep down, many Rangers fans will want that to happen so they can continue the narrative that the current campaign would be somehow “tainted”, despite Celtic being 13 points clear...
Billy McNeill My Captain – John Fallon a Personal Tribute
22 April 2020
It’s a year on from the death of my friend and teammate Billy McNeill after a long battle with Alzheimer's Billy never shouted and bawled in the dressing room before games That was always Big Jock who did that Billy's shouting on the park came more from a positional and encouragement point of view Annual Magazine Subscription He was a great Captain and leader and...
The Celtic Trust 20 years on
20 April 2020
  Like every anniversary, the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Celtic Trust was a time for reflection, for assessment, for remembering and to think about the next step  In our case, the year running up this occasion was also marked with the sadness of the loss of our Chairman Tommy McGonigle, who died after a short illness having served the Trust with energy...
Celtic 1920 – Football, Black & Tans and the Spanish Flu
19 April 2020
1920 is a hundred years ago Like 2020, it was a strange time The world was upset, in chaos, disorder and tumult A better world was possibly emerging, but it didn't necessarily look like that at the time Issue 107 Digital Edition The main definition of the age remained the Great War It had been over for more than a year now but its effects were everywhere Injured men,...
18 April 2020
  Prior to 1966, the Scottish League and Celtic were hardly on speaking terms! Since the Second World War, the League had been won only in 1954 What was even more disturbing was that only in 1955 were Celtic even second in the Scottish League In other words, we were never even close! But 1966 changed all that and changed it for ever Celtic Soul T-Shirt |...
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