The sold out signs were up for last Saturday’s game between Celtic and Blackburn. We need to now have a conversation about Celtic Face Value Ticket Resale. Celtic Park was not full against Blackburn yet some Celtic fans who wanted to attend had no option but to watch on TV. It could be the same this weekend when Norwich visit Paradise.
This raises the question of how we can get a system in place for Celtic season ticket holders to resell. Sold out games could see season ticket holders resell tickets at face value if unable to attend.
More people inside the stadium means more match day sales for Celtic. With so much technology at our finger tips it should not be too hard to develop. An easy to use App could be available for ticket re-sales after Celtic have sold out the stadium.
Not everyone can afford a season ticket. Pre-season friendlies are a great opportunity for a family day out and to introduce young Celtic fans to the match day experience. There was Anger and frustration expressed on social media last Saturday. Empty seats when fans wanted to attend makes little sense!
Celtic Face Value Ticket Resale could also work if fans want to offer their tickets at a discounted price or free to those less well off.
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